
Deconstructions are a special type of composition. Like compositions, they are made up of two or more artworks (as opposite to one-piece artworks). Also, all their constituent pieces are unified either physically or conceptually into a single artwork. That is, either the constituent artworks cannot be separated physically or they are meant to be part of the bigger artwork conceptually.

However, unlike compositions, not all pieces are integral to the artwork at the same time; that is, all the pieces may not, or cannot, be displayed at once. For example, two-side artworks can only display one image at a time, and scrolls are meant to display only a partial view of the total image (otherwise they will be banners).

Deconstructive artworks are, perhaps, at the extreme of art display. If we reasonably assume that most art is created to be displayed, deconstructive artworks play with this need by "forcing" their owners to decide which particular artwork (or view) is to be displayed, knowing that, in so doing, alternative artworks or views will necessarily remain hidden. In principle, this is not unlike what a museum curator may do when deciding on a new display. However, the curator's work is a compromise. If in one occasion a piece is not displayed, it can be displayed in the next occasion, independently of what happens to other artworks. In the case of deconstructive artwork, however, there is no option for a compromise: the same pieces are intimately related and thus, they are always affected, either by being displayed or not. And the bottom of this is that the casual viewer may just perceive a unique artwork, unaware of the others hidden, but the knowledgeable one is aware of the others but cannot gain gratification from seeing them all at once. The only remedy is to become actively involved in bringing up one of the alternative views, but, in so doing, relegating to a hidden place the view that was just there a moment ago.

The deconstructions that I have worked out into my artworks so far are the following types:

Two-face vertical banner A two-piece artwork occupying both sides of the same canvas. The artwork is presented as a long and thin strip, to be displayed vertically and unstretched. It may be mounted on supporting material (e.g. wood sticks) on its leading edges. Because of physical constraints, only one artwork in the deconstruction can be displayed at any one time.
Artwork-191-web.jpg Artwork-192-web.jpg

List of deconstruction artworks